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Braeburn Terrace Online

It is all about the neighborhood...

Deed Restrictions

How to obtain copies of your deed restrictions

Please be aware that The Braeburn Terrace Civic Club does not supply copies of deed restrictions to residents. Deed Restrictions are received from your title company at mortgage closing.

If you have misplaced this information, please contact your title company or follow the information below which has been taken directly from


"For most people living in the City of Houston, their property is located in Harris County, so please contact the Harris County Clerk's Office at (713)755-6411 and request a copy.

If you wish to go to the Harris County Clerk's Office and obtain a copy in person, they are located at 1001 Preston (inside the Harris County Administration Building), fourth floor, in downtown Houston. If your property is not located in Harris County, then contact the clerk's office of the county where the property is located. There is a nominal fee for copies.

A helpful hint - have the property's legal description (lot & block number, as well as the name of the subdivision the property is located in) when requesting the records."

How to report deed restriction violations

"Any resident of the City of Houston can lodge a complaint with the Deed Restriction Enforcement Team - an individual, a neighborhood group, or a civic club representative."

You may file this information independently or bring the evidence to the Braeburn Terrace Board, who will then contact the homeowner directly. If the violation is not corrected in a specific time period, we will forward the violation and evidence to The City of Houston Deed Restriction Enforcement Team.

Due to limited resources, the Board and Enforcement Team relies upon each complainant to assist in the collection of evidence of the activity that violates the deed restrictions.

To review the information needed when reporting a deed restriction violation, please see:

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